◀ Excalidraw Automate How To
Mindmap from Tasklist using dataviewjs
This is similar to the mindmap script using templater, but because dataview already returns tasks in a tree, it is slightly simpler
Input file
The input file is Demo.md
with the following contents:
- [ ] Root task
- [ ] task 1.1
- [ ] task 1.2
- [ ] task 1.2.1
- [ ] task 1.2.2
- [ ] task 1.3
- [ ] task 1.3.1
dataviewjs script
The dataviewjs
script looks like this:
Use CTRL+Shift+V to paste code into Obsidian!
function crawl(subtasks) {
let size = subtasks.length > 0 ? 0 : 1; //if no children then a leaf with size 1
for (let task of subtasks) {
task["size"] = crawl(task.subtasks);
size += task.size;
return size;
const tasks = dv.page("Demo.md").file.tasks[0];
tasks["size"] = crawl(tasks.subtasks);
const width = 300;
const height = 100;
const ea = ExcalidrawAutomate;
function buildMindmap(subtasks, depth, offset, parentObjectID) {
if (subtasks.length == 0) return;
for (let task of subtasks) {
if (depth == 1) ea.style.strokeColor = '#'+(Math.random()*0xFFFFFF<<0).toString(16).padStart(6,"0");
task["objectID"] = ea.addText(depth*width,(task.size/2+offset)*height,task.text,{box:true})
ea.connectObjects(parentObjectID,"right",task.objectID,"left",{startArrowHead: 'dot'});
buildMindmap(task.subtasks, depth+1,offset,task.objectID);
offset += task.size;
tasks["objectID"] = ea.addText(0,(tasks.size/2)*height,tasks.text,{box:true});
buildMindmap(tasks.subtasks, 1, 0, tasks.objectID);