
A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian

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◀ Excalidraw Automate How To

Family tree from Tasklist using dataviewjs

This is similar to the mindmap script using dataviewjs, but the output is rendered vertically.



Input file

Task List looks like:

    - [ ] Silver
        - [ ] PawPaw Silv
        - [ ] MawMaw Silv
    - [ ] Licat
        - [ ] PeePaw Li
        - [ ] MeeMaw Li

dataviewjs script

Code to render the excalidraw looks like:

function crawl(subtasks) {
  let size = subtasks.length > 0 ? 0 : 1; //if no children then a leaf with size 1
  for (let task of subtasks) {
    task["size"] = crawl(task.subtasks);
    size += task.size;
  return size;

const tasks = dv.page("FamilyTree.md").file.tasks[0];
tasks["size"] = crawl(tasks.subtasks);

const width = 300;
const height = 150;
const ea = ExcalidrawAutomate;

function buildMindmap(subtasks, depth, offset, parentObjectID) {
  if (subtasks.length == 0) return;
  let task;
  for (let i = 0; i < subtasks.length; i++) {
  task = subtasks[i]
  if (depth == 1) ea.style.strokeColor = '#'+(Math.random()*0xFFFFFF<<0).toString(16).padStart(6,"0");
    task["objectID"] = ea.addText((task.size/2+offset)*width,depth*height,task.text,{box:true})
    ea.connectObjects(parentObjectID,"top",task.objectID,"bottom",{startArrowHead: 'arrow', endArrowHead: 'dot'});
    if (i >= 1) {
            ea.connectObjects(subtasks[i-1]['objectID'],"right",task.objectID,"left", {endArrowHead: 'none'});

    buildMindmap(task.subtasks, depth-1,offset,task.objectID);
    offset += task.size/1.5;

tasks["objectID"] = ea.addText(width*1.5,height*(tasks.size-1),tasks.text,{box:true, textAlign:"center"});    
buildMindmap(tasks.subtasks, 2, 0, tasks.objectID);
