
A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian

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◀ Excalidraw Automate How To

Element style settings

As you will notice, some styles have setter functions. This is to help you navigate the allowed values for the property. You do not need to use the setter function however, you can use set the value directly as well.


String. The color of the line. CSS Legal Color Values

Allowed values are HTML color names, hexadecimal RGB strings, or e.g. #FF0000 for red.


String. This is the fill color of an object. CSS Legal Color Values

Allowed values are HTML color names, hexadecimal RGB strings e.g. #FF0000 for red, or transparent.


Number. Rotation in radian. 90° == Math.PI/2.

fillStyle, setFillStyle()

type FillStyle = "hachure" | "cross-hatch" | "solid";
setFillStyle (val:number);

fillStyle is a string.

setFillStyle() accepts a number:


Number, sets the width of the stroke.

strokeStyle, setStrokeStyle()

type StrokeStyle = "solid" | "dashed" | "dotted";
setStrokeStyle (val:number);

strokeStyle is a string.

setStrokeStyle() accepts a number:


Number. Called sloppiness in Excalidraw. Three values are accepted:


Number between 0 and 100. The opacity of an object, both stroke and fill.

strokeSharpness, setStrokeSharpness()

type StrokeSharpness = "round" | "sharp";

strokeSharpness is a string.

“round” lines are curvey, “sharp” lines break at the turning point.

setStrokeSharpness() accepts a number:

fontFamily, setFontFamily()

Number. Valid values are 1,2 and 3.

setFontFamily() will also accept a number and return the name of the font.


Number. Default value is 20 px


String. Alignment of the text horizontally. Valid values are “left”, “center”, “right”.

This is relevant when setting a fix width using the addText() function.


String. Alignment of the text vertically. Valid values are “top” and “middle”.

This is relevant when setting a fix height using the addText() function.

startArrowHead, endArrowHead

String. Valid values are “arrow”, “bar”, “dot”, and “none”. Specifies the beginning and ending of an arrow.

This is relevant when using the addArrow() and the connectObjects() functions.