◀ Excalidraw Automate How To
Attributes and functions overview
Here’s the interface implemented by ExcalidrawAutomate:
You can find the source file here: ExcalidrawAutomate.d.ts.
/// <reference types="react" />
import ExcalidrawPlugin from "src/main";
import { FillStyle, StrokeStyle, ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawBindableElement, FileId, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawImageElement, StrokeRoundness, RoundnessType } from "@zsviczian/excalidraw/types/element/types";
import { Editor, OpenViewState, TFile, WorkspaceLeaf } from "obsidian";
import * as obsidian_module from "obsidian";
import ExcalidrawView, { ExportSettings } from "src/ExcalidrawView";
import { AppState, BinaryFileData, DataURL, ExcalidrawImperativeAPI, Point } from "@zsviczian/excalidraw/types/types";
import { EmbeddedFilesLoader } from "src/EmbeddedFileLoader";
import { ConnectionPoint, DeviceType } from "src/types";
import { ColorMaster } from "colormaster";
import { TInput } from "colormaster/types";
import { ClipboardData } from "@zsviczian/excalidraw/types/clipboard";
import { PaneTarget } from "src/utils/modifierkeyHelper";
export declare class ExcalidrawAutomate {
* Utility function that returns the Obsidian Module object.
get obsidian(): typeof obsidian_module;
get DEVICE(): DeviceType;
getAttachmentFilepath(filename: string): Promise<string>;
* Prompts the user with a dialog to select new file action.
* - create markdown file
* - create excalidraw file
* - cancel action
* The new file will be relative to this.targetView.file.path, unless parentFile is provided.
* If shouldOpenNewFile is true, the new file will be opened in a workspace leaf.
* targetPane control which leaf will be used for the new file.
* Returns the TFile for the new file or null if the user cancelled the action.
* @param newFileNameOrPath
* @param shouldOpenNewFile
* @param targetPane //type PaneTarget = "active-pane"|"new-pane"|"popout-window"|"new-tab"|"md-properties";
* @param parentFile
* @returns
newFilePrompt(newFileNameOrPath: string, shouldOpenNewFile: boolean, targetPane?: PaneTarget, parentFile?: TFile): Promise<TFile | null>;
* Generates a new Obsidian Leaf following Excalidraw plugin settings such as open in Main Workspace or not, open in adjacent pane if available, etc.
* @param origo // the currently active leaf, the origin of the new leaf
* @param targetPane //type PaneTarget = "active-pane"|"new-pane"|"popout-window"|"new-tab"|"md-properties";
* @returns
getLeaf(origo: WorkspaceLeaf, targetPane?: PaneTarget): WorkspaceLeaf;
* Returns the editor or leaf.view of the currently active embedded obsidian file.
* If view is not provided, ea.targetView is used.
* If the embedded file is a markdown document the function will return
* {file:TFile, editor:Editor} otherwise it will return {view:any}. You can check view type with view.getViewType();
* @param view
* @returns
getActiveEmbeddableViewOrEditor(view?: ExcalidrawView): {
view: any;
} | {
file: TFile;
editor: Editor;
} | null;
plugin: ExcalidrawPlugin;
elementsDict: {
[key: string]: any;
imagesDict: {
[key: FileId]: any;
mostRecentMarkdownSVG: SVGSVGElement;
style: {
strokeColor: string;
backgroundColor: string;
angle: number;
fillStyle: FillStyle;
strokeWidth: number;
strokeStyle: StrokeStyle;
roughness: number;
opacity: number;
strokeSharpness?: StrokeRoundness;
roundness: null | {
type: RoundnessType;
value?: number;
fontFamily: number;
fontSize: number;
textAlign: string;
verticalAlign: string;
startArrowHead: string;
endArrowHead: string;
canvas: {
theme: string;
viewBackgroundColor: string;
gridSize: number;
colorPalette: {};
constructor(plugin: ExcalidrawPlugin, view?: ExcalidrawView);
* @returns the last recorded pointer position on the Excalidraw canvas
getViewLastPointerPosition(): {
x: number;
y: number;
* @returns
getAPI(view?: ExcalidrawView): ExcalidrawAutomate;
* @param val //0:"hachure", 1:"cross-hatch" 2:"solid"
* @returns
setFillStyle(val: number): "hachure" | "cross-hatch" | "solid";
* @param val //0:"solid", 1:"dashed", 2:"dotted"
* @returns
setStrokeStyle(val: number): "solid" | "dashed" | "dotted";
* @param val //0:"round", 1:"sharp"
* @returns
setStrokeSharpness(val: number): "round" | "sharp";
* @param val //1: Virgil, 2:Helvetica, 3:Cascadia
* @returns
setFontFamily(val: number): "Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" | "Helvetica, Segoe UI Emoji" | "Cascadia, Segoe UI Emoji" | "LocalFont";
* @param val //0:"light", 1:"dark"
* @returns
setTheme(val: number): "light" | "dark";
* @param objectIds
* @returns
addToGroup(objectIds: string[]): string;
* @param templatePath
toClipboard(templatePath?: string): Promise<void>;
* @param file: TFile
* @returns ExcalidrawScene
getSceneFromFile(file: TFile): Promise<{
elements: ExcalidrawElement[];
appState: AppState;
* get all elements from ExcalidrawAutomate elementsDict
* @returns elements from elementsDict
getElements(): ExcalidrawElement[];
* get single element from ExcalidrawAutomate elementsDict
* @param id
* @returns
getElement(id: string): ExcalidrawElement;
* create a drawing and save it to filename
* @param params
* filename: if null, default filename as defined in Excalidraw settings
* foldername: if null, default folder as defined in Excalidraw settings
* @returns
create(params?: {
filename?: string;
foldername?: string;
templatePath?: string;
onNewPane?: boolean;
frontmatterKeys?: {
"excalidraw-plugin"?: "raw" | "parsed";
"excalidraw-link-prefix"?: string;
"excalidraw-link-brackets"?: boolean;
"excalidraw-url-prefix"?: string;
"excalidraw-export-transparent"?: boolean;
"excalidraw-export-dark"?: boolean;
"excalidraw-export-padding"?: number;
"excalidraw-export-pngscale"?: number;
"excalidraw-default-mode"?: "view" | "zen";
"excalidraw-onload-script"?: string;
"excalidraw-linkbutton-opacity"?: number;
"excalidraw-autoexport"?: boolean;
plaintext?: string;
}): Promise<string>;
* @param templatePath
* @param embedFont
* @param exportSettings use ExcalidrawAutomate.getExportSettings(boolean,boolean)
* @param loader use ExcalidrawAutomate.getEmbeddedFilesLoader(boolean?)
* @param theme
* @returns
createSVG(templatePath?: string, embedFont?: boolean, exportSettings?: ExportSettings, loader?: EmbeddedFilesLoader, theme?: string, padding?: number): Promise<SVGSVGElement>;
* @param templatePath
* @param scale
* @param exportSettings use ExcalidrawAutomate.getExportSettings(boolean,boolean)
* @param loader use ExcalidrawAutomate.getEmbeddedFilesLoader(boolean?)
* @param theme
* @returns
createPNG(templatePath?: string, scale?: number, exportSettings?: ExportSettings, loader?: EmbeddedFilesLoader, theme?: string, padding?: number): Promise<any>;
* @param text
* @param lineLen
* @returns
wrapText(text: string, lineLen: number): string;
private boxedElement;
addIFrame(topX: number, topY: number, width: number, height: number, url?: string, file?: TFile): string;
* @param topX
* @param topY
* @param width
* @param height
* @returns
addEmbeddable(topX: number, topY: number, width: number, height: number, url?: string, file?: TFile): string;
* @param topX
* @param topY
* @param width
* @param height
* @returns
addRect(topX: number, topY: number, width: number, height: number): string;
* @param topX
* @param topY
* @param width
* @param height
* @returns
addDiamond(topX: number, topY: number, width: number, height: number): string;
* @param topX
* @param topY
* @param width
* @param height
* @returns
addEllipse(topX: number, topY: number, width: number, height: number): string;
* @param topX
* @param topY
* @param width
* @param height
* @returns
addBlob(topX: number, topY: number, width: number, height: number): string;
* Refresh the size of a text element to fit its contents
* @param id - the id of the text element
refreshTextElementSize(id: string): void;
* @param topX
* @param topY
* @param text
* @param formatting
* box: if !null, text will be boxed
* @param id
* @returns
addText(topX: number, topY: number, text: string, formatting?: {
wrapAt?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
textAlign?: "left" | "center" | "right";
box?: boolean | "box" | "blob" | "ellipse" | "diamond";
boxPadding?: number;
boxStrokeColor?: string;
textVerticalAlign?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom";
}, id?: string): string;
* @param points
* @returns
addLine(points: [[x: number, y: number]]): string;
* @param points
* @param formatting
* @returns
addArrow(points: [x: number, y: number][], formatting?: {
startArrowHead?: string;
endArrowHead?: string;
startObjectId?: string;
endObjectId?: string;
}): string;
* @param topX
* @param topY
* @param imageFile
* @returns
addImage(topX: number, topY: number, imageFile: TFile | string, scale?: boolean, //default is true which will scale the image to MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, false will insert image at 100% of its size
anchor?: boolean): Promise<string>;
* @param topX
* @param topY
* @param tex
* @returns
addLaTex(topX: number, topY: number, tex: string): Promise<string>;
* @param objectA
* @param connectionA type ConnectionPoint = "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | null
* @param objectB
* @param connectionB when passed null, Excalidraw will automatically decide
* @param formatting
* numberOfPoints: points on the line. Default is 0 ie. line will only have a start and end point
* startArrowHead: "triangle"|"dot"|"arrow"|"bar"|null
* endArrowHead: "triangle"|"dot"|"arrow"|"bar"|null
* padding:
* @returns
connectObjects(objectA: string, connectionA: ConnectionPoint | null, objectB: string, connectionB: ConnectionPoint | null, formatting?: {
numberOfPoints?: number;
startArrowHead?: "triangle" | "dot" | "arrow" | "bar" | null;
endArrowHead?: "triangle" | "dot" | "arrow" | "bar" | null;
padding?: number;
}): string;
* Adds a text label to a line or arrow. Currently only works with a straight (2 point - start & end - line)
* @param lineId id of the line or arrow object in elementsDict
* @param label the label text
* @returns undefined (if unsuccessful) or the id of the new text element
addLabelToLine(lineId: string, label: string): string;
* clear elementsDict and imagesDict only
clear(): void;
* clear() + reset all style values to default
reset(): void;
* returns true if MD file is an Excalidraw file
* @param f
* @returns
isExcalidrawFile(f: TFile): boolean;
targetView: ExcalidrawView;
* sets the target view for EA. All the view operations and the access to Excalidraw API will be performend on this view
* if view is null or undefined, the function will first try setView("active"), then setView("first").
* @param view
* @returns targetView
setView(view?: ExcalidrawView | "first" | "active"): ExcalidrawView;
* @returns https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/tree/master/src/packages/excalidraw#ref
getExcalidrawAPI(): any;
* get elements in View
* @returns
getViewElements(): ExcalidrawElement[];
* @param elToDelete
* @returns
deleteViewElements(elToDelete: ExcalidrawElement[]): boolean;
* get the selected element in the view, if more are selected, get the first
* @returns
getViewSelectedElement(): any;
* @returns
getViewSelectedElements(): any[];
* @param el
* @returns TFile file handle for the image element
getViewFileForImageElement(el: ExcalidrawElement): TFile | null;
* copies elements from view to elementsDict for editing
* @param elements
copyViewElementsToEAforEditing(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): void;
* @param forceViewMode
* @returns
viewToggleFullScreen(forceViewMode?: boolean): void;
setViewModeEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
* This function gives you a more hands on access to Excalidraw.
* @param scene - The scene you want to load to Excalidraw
* @param restore - Use this if the scene includes legacy excalidraw file elements that need to be converted to the latest excalidraw data format (not a typical usecase)
* @returns
viewUpdateScene(scene: {
elements?: ExcalidrawElement[];
appState?: AppState;
files?: BinaryFileData;
commitToHistory?: boolean;
}, restore?: boolean): void;
* connect an object to the selected element in the view
* @param objectA ID of the element
* @param connectionA
* @param connectionB
* @param formatting
* @returns
connectObjectWithViewSelectedElement(objectA: string, connectionA: ConnectionPoint | null, connectionB: ConnectionPoint | null, formatting?: {
numberOfPoints?: number;
startArrowHead?: "triangle" | "dot" | "arrow" | "bar" | null;
endArrowHead?: "triangle" | "dot" | "arrow" | "bar" | null;
padding?: number;
}): boolean;
* zoom tarteView to fit elements provided as input
* elements === [] will zoom to fit the entire scene
* selectElements toggles whether the elements should be in a selected state at the end of the operation
* @param selectElements
* @param elements
viewZoomToElements(selectElements: boolean, elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): void;
* Adds elements from elementsDict to the current view
* @param repositionToCursor default is false
* @param save default is true
* @param newElementsOnTop controls whether elements created with ExcalidrawAutomate
* are added at the bottom of the stack or the top of the stack of elements already in the view
* Note that elements copied to the view with copyViewElementsToEAforEditing retain their
* position in the stack of elements in the view even if modified using EA
* default is false, i.e. the new elements get to the bottom of the stack
* @param shouldRestoreElements - restore elements - auto-corrects broken, incomplete or old elements included in the update
* @returns
addElementsToView(repositionToCursor?: boolean, save?: boolean, newElementsOnTop?: boolean, shouldRestoreElements?: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
* Register instance of EA to use for hooks with TargetView
* By default ExcalidrawViews will check window.ExcalidrawAutomate for event hooks.
* Using this event you can set a different instance of Excalidraw Automate for hooks
* @returns true if successful
registerThisAsViewEA(): boolean;
* Sets the targetView EA to window.ExcalidrawAutomate
* @returns true if successful
deregisterThisAsViewEA(): boolean;
* If set, this callback is triggered when the user closes an Excalidraw view.
onViewUnloadHook: (view: ExcalidrawView) => void;
* If set, this callback is triggered, when the user changes the view mode.
* You can use this callback in case you want to do something additional when the user switches to view mode and back.
onViewModeChangeHook: (isViewModeEnabled: boolean, view: ExcalidrawView, ea: ExcalidrawAutomate) => void;
* If set, this callback is triggered, when the user hovers a link in the scene.
* You can use this callback in case you want to do something additional when the onLinkHover event occurs.
* This callback must return a boolean value.
* In case you want to prevent the excalidraw onLinkHover action you must return false, it will stop the native excalidraw onLinkHover management flow.
onLinkHoverHook: (element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, linkText: string, view: ExcalidrawView, ea: ExcalidrawAutomate) => boolean;
* If set, this callback is triggered, when the user clicks a link in the scene.
* You can use this callback in case you want to do something additional when the onLinkClick event occurs.
* This callback must return a boolean value.
* In case you want to prevent the excalidraw onLinkClick action you must return false, it will stop the native excalidraw onLinkClick management flow.
onLinkClickHook: (element: ExcalidrawElement, linkText: string, event: MouseEvent, view: ExcalidrawView, ea: ExcalidrawAutomate) => boolean;
* If set, this callback is triggered, when Excalidraw receives an onDrop event.
* You can use this callback in case you want to do something additional when the onDrop event occurs.
* This callback must return a boolean value.
* In case you want to prevent the excalidraw onDrop action you must return false, it will stop the native excalidraw onDrop management flow.
onDropHook: (data: {
ea: ExcalidrawAutomate;
event: React.DragEvent<HTMLDivElement>;
draggable: any;
type: "file" | "text" | "unknown";
payload: {
files: TFile[];
text: string;
excalidrawFile: TFile;
view: ExcalidrawView;
pointerPosition: {
x: number;
y: number;
}) => boolean;
* If set, this callback is triggered, when Excalidraw receives an onPaste event.
* You can use this callback in case you want to do something additional when the
* onPaste event occurs.
* This callback must return a boolean value.
* In case you want to prevent the excalidraw onPaste action you must return false,
* it will stop the native excalidraw onPaste management flow.
onPasteHook: (data: {
ea: ExcalidrawAutomate;
payload: ClipboardData;
event: ClipboardEvent;
excalidrawFile: TFile;
view: ExcalidrawView;
pointerPosition: {
x: number;
y: number;
}) => boolean;
* if set, this callback is triggered, when an Excalidraw file is opened
* You can use this callback in case you want to do something additional when the file is opened.
* This will run before the file level script defined in the `excalidraw-onload-script` frontmatter.
onFileOpenHook: (data: {
ea: ExcalidrawAutomate;
excalidrawFile: TFile;
view: ExcalidrawView;
}) => Promise<void>;
* if set, this callback is triggered, when an Excalidraw file is created
* see also: https://github.com/zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin/issues/1124
onFileCreateHook: (data: {
ea: ExcalidrawAutomate;
excalidrawFile: TFile;
view: ExcalidrawView;
}) => Promise<void>;
* If set, this callback is triggered whenever the active canvas color changes
onCanvasColorChangeHook: (ea: ExcalidrawAutomate, view: ExcalidrawView, //the excalidraw view
color: string) => void;
* utility function to generate EmbeddedFilesLoader object
* @param isDark
* @returns
getEmbeddedFilesLoader(isDark?: boolean): EmbeddedFilesLoader;
* utility function to generate ExportSettings object
* @param withBackground
* @param withTheme
* @returns
getExportSettings(withBackground: boolean, withTheme: boolean): ExportSettings;
* get bounding box of elements
* bounding box is the box encapsulating all of the elements completely
* @param elements
* @returns
getBoundingBox(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): {
topX: number;
topY: number;
width: number;
height: number;
* elements grouped by the highest level groups
* @param elements
* @returns
getMaximumGroups(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): ExcalidrawElement[][];
* gets the largest element from a group. useful when a text element is grouped with a box, and you want to connect an arrow to the box
* @param elements
* @returns
getLargestElement(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): ExcalidrawElement;
* @param element
* @param a
* @param b
* @param gap
* @returns 2 or 0 intersection points between line going through `a` and `b`
* and the `element`, in ascending order of distance from `a`.
intersectElementWithLine(element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, a: readonly [number, number], b: readonly [number, number], gap?: number): Point[];
* Gets the groupId for the group that contains all the elements, or null if such a group does not exist
* @param elements
* @returns null or the groupId
getCommonGroupForElements(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): string;
* Gets all the elements from elements[] that share one or more groupIds with element.
* @param element
* @param elements - typically all the non-deleted elements in the scene
* @returns
getElementsInTheSameGroupWithElement(element: ExcalidrawElement, elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): ExcalidrawElement[];
* Gets all the elements from elements[] that are contained in the frame.
* @param element
* @param elements - typically all the non-deleted elements in the scene
* @returns
getElementsInFrame(frameElement: ExcalidrawElement, elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): ExcalidrawElement[];
* See OCR plugin for example on how to use scriptSettings
* Set by the ScriptEngine
activeScript: string;
* @returns script settings. Saves settings in plugin settings, under the activeScript key
getScriptSettings(): {};
* sets script settings.
* @param settings
* @returns
setScriptSettings(settings: any): Promise<void>;
* Open a file in a new workspaceleaf or reuse an existing adjacent leaf depending on Excalidraw Plugin Settings
* @param file
* @param openState - if not provided {active: true} will be used
* @returns
openFileInNewOrAdjacentLeaf(file: TFile, openState?: OpenViewState): WorkspaceLeaf;
* measure text size based on current style settings
* @param text
* @returns
measureText(text: string): {
width: number;
height: number;
* Returns the size of the image element at 100% (i.e. the original size)
* @param imageElement an image element from the active scene on targetView
getOriginalImageSize(imageElement: ExcalidrawImageElement): Promise<{
width: number;
height: number;
* verifyMinimumPluginVersion returns true if plugin version is >= than required
* recommended use:
* if(!ea.verifyMinimumPluginVersion || !ea.verifyMinimumPluginVersion("1.5.20")) {new Notice("message");return;}
* @param requiredVersion
* @returns
verifyMinimumPluginVersion(requiredVersion: string): boolean;
* Check if view is instance of ExcalidrawView
* @param view
* @returns
isExcalidrawView(view: any): boolean;
* sets selection in view
* @param elements
* @returns
selectElementsInView(elements: ExcalidrawElement[] | string[]): void;
* @returns an 8 character long random id
generateElementId(): string;
* @param element
* @returns a clone of the element with a new id
cloneElement(element: ExcalidrawElement): ExcalidrawElement;
* Moves the element to a specific position in the z-index
moveViewElementToZIndex(elementId: number, newZIndex: number): void;
* Deprecated. Use getCM / ColorMaster instead
* @param color
* @returns
hexStringToRgb(color: string): number[];
* Deprecated. Use getCM / ColorMaster instead
* @param color
* @returns
rgbToHexString(color: number[]): string;
* Deprecated. Use getCM / ColorMaster instead
* @param color
* @returns
hslToRgb(color: number[]): number[];
* Deprecated. Use getCM / ColorMaster instead
* @param color
* @returns
rgbToHsl(color: number[]): number[];
* @param color
* @returns
colorNameToHex(color: string): string;
* https://github.com/lbragile/ColorMaster
* @param color
* @returns
getCM(color: TInput): ColorMaster;
importSVG(svgString: string): boolean;
export declare function initExcalidrawAutomate(plugin: ExcalidrawPlugin): Promise<ExcalidrawAutomate>;
export declare function destroyExcalidrawAutomate(): void;
export declare function _measureText(newText: string, fontSize: number, fontFamily: number, lineHeight: number): {
w: number;
h: number;
baseline: number;
export declare const generatePlaceholderDataURL: (width: number, height: number) => DataURL;
export declare function createPNG(templatePath: string, scale: number, exportSettings: ExportSettings, loader: EmbeddedFilesLoader, forceTheme: string, canvasTheme: string, canvasBackgroundColor: string, automateElements: ExcalidrawElement[], plugin: ExcalidrawPlugin, depth: number, padding?: number, imagesDict?: any): Promise<Blob>;
export declare function createSVG(templatePath: string, embedFont: boolean, exportSettings: ExportSettings, loader: EmbeddedFilesLoader, forceTheme: string, canvasTheme: string, canvasBackgroundColor: string, automateElements: ExcalidrawElement[], plugin: ExcalidrawPlugin, depth: number, padding?: number, imagesDict?: any, convertMarkdownLinksToObsidianURLs?: boolean): Promise<SVGSVGElement>;
export declare function estimateBounds(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]): [number, number, number, number];
export declare function repositionElementsToCursor(elements: ExcalidrawElement[], newPosition: {
x: number;
y: number;
}, center: boolean, api: ExcalidrawImperativeAPI): ExcalidrawElement[];
export declare const insertLaTeXToView: (view: ExcalidrawView) => void;
export declare const search: (view: ExcalidrawView) => Promise<void>;
* @param elements
* @param query
* @param exactMatch - when searching for section header exactMatch should be set to true
* @returns the elements matching the query
export declare const getTextElementsMatchingQuery: (elements: ExcalidrawElement[], query: string[], exactMatch?: boolean) => ExcalidrawElement[];
* @param elements
* @param query
* @param exactMatch - when searching for section header exactMatch should be set to true
* @returns the elements matching the query
export declare const getFrameElementsMatchingQuery: (elements: ExcalidrawElement[], query: string[], exactMatch?: boolean) => ExcalidrawElement[];
export declare const cloneElement: (el: ExcalidrawElement) => any;
export declare const verifyMinimumPluginVersion: (requiredVersion: string) => boolean;